Sockapalooza and some New Digs
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Let's do the fun stuff first today.
Usually, I start my sockapalooza socks as soon as I get my pal. But this year, I kept changing my mind on the yarn and the pattern. I finally made up my mind the beginning of July and made some kick ass socks. If I would have had more time to knit a different pair for my pal, I would have kept them for myself. Seriously!
The pattern is Twisted Flowers from Cookie A. And the yarn is Dream In Color Smooshy, "Some Summer Sky". The pattern looks complicated but was easy as pie. I liked it so much I think I'll make a pair for myself. And those of you who know me, know I hate knitting the same pattern twice. The yarn...Oh the yarn!! Out of all the sock yarn I have used and stashed, this is my favorite. It really is smooshy, and knits so nicely. I used size 2 needles, which is a nice change from toothpick needles. I love the way the colors blend. No stripes, so pooling. Just perfect. I have some more in another color for myself. (and I have the worsted to make a shrug too). My pal and I also have the same size feet so I had no problem making sure they were the right size. I'm happy to say my pal, who I believe is blogless, has received her socks and loves them.
Here's a close up:

Over the week-end my sockpal socks arrived. I wasn't expecting them so soon! The box was postmarked from England so I really had no clue what it was. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and realized it was my socks. Polly from All Tangled Up was my pal and she was a great pal. I've been reading her blog for well over a year (maybe two?) and love seeing all the socks she knits. What a nice treat having her as my pal! The socks were made with regia silk in a blueish gray color. They fit like a glove, and I LOVE them. I gasped so loud when I opened them that my son came running to make sure I was o.k. I really like how they don't have a ribbed cuff. It really makes the pattern pop, and they don't slide down any more than normal.
But wait! That's not all. There were some yummy candies for the kids and I. No pictures, because it's already been eaten :) There was a second tissue paper wrapped goodie. I figured it was the leftover yarn. So imagine my surprise when I opened it and found this:

The yarn is by Piece of Beauty Yarn. It's 100% merino superwash, the color is called "Deep End". It is SO soft and squishy. I can't wait to try it out. So needless to say, another kick ass round of sockapalooza for me.
I know I said I was going to blog more and then disappeared. I really wanted to blog but it's been a crazy summer for us. Christian had summer school, both kids played baseball again (it just ended last week). Emily, poor thing, keeps getting sick. First it was Fifth's Disease, rash and all. Then she got a little flu-like bug. I had my first set of fillings done last week, some girly doctor visits, a Mammogram in two weeks, more dental stuff in three weeks, Christian turned nine in July, and my brother is coming for a quick visit next week before he deploys for a year to Kuwait. So yeah...really hectic around here!
I have been doing a little knitting and some spinning. I'm really getting into the spinning (I guess I should show pictures of my fiber stash soon). I've also been sewing some baby stuff, and finally, I get to knit some baby stuff. No! Not for me :) I'll fill you in on baby detials later though.
On top of all that crazy, I haven't blogged because I don't like my blog. Ok, sure I like it. But I feel like it's a "knitting" blog and I shouldn't talk about much else. But then again, it is my blog and I can do what I want. So I compromised with myself. I started a new blog over at Wordpress. Much better than blogger! I imported all of my blogger posts over there, but the name is changed to something that doesn't scream knitting. That way, readers can't whine if I don't talk about knitting. *Not that anyone has complained before, but still...* I'm almost done setting it up. I just need to figure out the widgets and set up my side bar. I haven't decided if I will post the link or not. See, there's a crazy person out there sort of harassing me. Nothing crazy that requires police or anything. Just enough that I'd rather get away from him. I hate to ask me few readers to e-mail me for the link. Maybe you could just leave a comment and I can send you the link? (IF you do, make sure your e-mail address shows up. New blogger doesn't always show it)
I'm hoping to finish it later this week. I'll let you know when it's ready :)
Usually, I start my sockapalooza socks as soon as I get my pal. But this year, I kept changing my mind on the yarn and the pattern. I finally made up my mind the beginning of July and made some kick ass socks. If I would have had more time to knit a different pair for my pal, I would have kept them for myself. Seriously!

Here's a close up:

Over the week-end my sockpal socks arrived. I wasn't expecting them so soon! The box was postmarked from England so I really had no clue what it was. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and realized it was my socks. Polly from All Tangled Up was my pal and she was a great pal. I've been reading her blog for well over a year (maybe two?) and love seeing all the socks she knits. What a nice treat having her as my pal! The socks were made with regia silk in a blueish gray color. They fit like a glove, and I LOVE them. I gasped so loud when I opened them that my son came running to make sure I was o.k. I really like how they don't have a ribbed cuff. It really makes the pattern pop, and they don't slide down any more than normal.
The yarn is by Piece of Beauty Yarn. It's 100% merino superwash, the color is called "Deep End". It is SO soft and squishy. I can't wait to try it out. So needless to say, another kick ass round of sockapalooza for me.
I know I said I was going to blog more and then disappeared. I really wanted to blog but it's been a crazy summer for us. Christian had summer school, both kids played baseball again (it just ended last week). Emily, poor thing, keeps getting sick. First it was Fifth's Disease, rash and all. Then she got a little flu-like bug. I had my first set of fillings done last week, some girly doctor visits, a Mammogram in two weeks, more dental stuff in three weeks, Christian turned nine in July, and my brother is coming for a quick visit next week before he deploys for a year to Kuwait. So yeah...really hectic around here!
I have been doing a little knitting and some spinning. I'm really getting into the spinning (I guess I should show pictures of my fiber stash soon). I've also been sewing some baby stuff, and finally, I get to knit some baby stuff. No! Not for me :) I'll fill you in on baby detials later though.
On top of all that crazy, I haven't blogged because I don't like my blog. Ok, sure I like it. But I feel like it's a "knitting" blog and I shouldn't talk about much else. But then again, it is my blog and I can do what I want. So I compromised with myself. I started a new blog over at Wordpress. Much better than blogger! I imported all of my blogger posts over there, but the name is changed to something that doesn't scream knitting. That way, readers can't whine if I don't talk about knitting. *Not that anyone has complained before, but still...* I'm almost done setting it up. I just need to figure out the widgets and set up my side bar. I haven't decided if I will post the link or not. See, there's a crazy person out there sort of harassing me. Nothing crazy that requires police or anything. Just enough that I'd rather get away from him. I hate to ask me few readers to e-mail me for the link. Maybe you could just leave a comment and I can send you the link? (IF you do, make sure your e-mail address shows up. New blogger doesn't always show it)
I'm hoping to finish it later this week. I'll let you know when it's ready :)