Poke You With My Sticks

It's all about the GREEN

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
I might not be a full blooded Irish...but there's plenty of it in my blood. We don't do too much to celebrate St. Patty's day. No corned beef (yuck!), no partying at the bar. But I still have my share of green around here...

Green carnations.

Green Cookies...Yummy too!

My very own Leprechaun. The shirt says, "Kiss me I'm Irish."

Our very own Green Beer! Not that I drink it, but that's o.k.

But the most important green is this.....

What is that you ask? It's my Salina sweater, happily blocking away. Front, back and both sleeves are pinned out and slowly drying. The only knitting left is the collar, after assembly. And two cuffs for the sleeves. I'm going to venture out and say I should have a genuine FO by Monday, if not sooner. Hopefully the pieces will be dry in the morning so I can get seaming...Yay!

Hope you had a fun filled Saint Patrick's day!