SEW Busy!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Yup. I'm still here. I don't think I've ever had a busier summer! Between softball/t-ball (6 nights a week!), Dr's appointments, and various other things, I haven't had much time for crafting. And the little time I've had has gone to something other than knitting. I'll get to that in a minute.
I finally finished my plain ol toe up socks using All Things Heather yarn in Avocado. I love these socks, but I think I'll skip the picot hem on toe ups for now on. It was a huge pain in the ass.

The only other knitting I've accomplished since the beginning of July is this lace shawl (Paisley Lace from IK)

And this tank top (Calla from Magknits) I've pretty much decided not to continue this project though. I'm using Svale yarn and it's a big pain with the cables. And keeping track of the pattern, not liking it right now.

I've recently aquired more sock yarn, surprise surprise. (Schaeffer Anne, Trekking that I won, and yarntini) So socks are in the future, but not much else, knitting wise. I don't plan on giving up knitting, but I just haven't been enjoying it as much these last few months. I've been depressed (various reasons why) which is part of it...One part, I miss my old knitting group. It's not fun having nobody to share it with in real life.
I sent my Knit Sock Kit swap package and it was well received. Apparently, I did a good job. I'm glad my pal was happy. My Mom asked me why I did so much more than I had to...I just felt like it. And I told her even if my pal doesn't come through/or I'm not happy with what I get (note to my pal: don't worry, I'm easy to please), that's ok. Just knowing I made my pal's day is good enough for me. Here's a picture of what I sent.... Heide blogged about it with pictures here.

My absolute favorite part of the kit was the sock needle/notion case. My own pattern. The ribbon that ties it shut has cute flowers embossed in it. And this is a picture of the case filled with my needles (I rememberd to take them out before mailing) My Bamboo and Knitpicks DPN's plus my Addis for magic loops. Fits in there nice, eh? I need to make one for myself.

I made two bags for my pal, plus the case and a clutch. At that point, the sewing bug hit me. BIG TIME! I've spent the last two weeks buying vintage patterns, fabric, and some new presser feet for my sewing machine. I can't stop...sewing, not buying!
Here's a top I made...Simplicity 4589. I love this fabric! It's little yellow tulips. Very vintage looking, to me anyhow. The skirt, I picked up at Goodwill. It was ankle length (yuck!) so I shortened it.

I didn't stop there you know... I made this little bag for the days I don't want to carry my big 'ol purse around.

Up next..I'm going to have some pillowcase fun. I found the pink ones (2) at a huge fleamarket. One is destined to be a drawstring skirt, the other a bag of some sort. The brown set, I'm not sure yet. It's a brand new twin size sheet set from Goodwill. I'm torn between using it for a dress and bag or for new kitchen decor (curtains, placemats, etc..) Or both?! And I have some great apron patterns (from the 60's) that I'm dieing to make.

But most importantly...My Fall project. I'm in the planning phase right now.

I've chosen my pattern (Hop Skip and Jump with small modifications)...I've narrowed down my fabric choices. I found some Denyse Schmidt Fat Quarter sets, and Hubby has aprroved the colors/patterns. I just have to pick between the two. I don't plan on starting until Septmeber, after the kids start school. That gives me time to practice my quilting skills. And time to see what my basic sewing machine can do.
So that's my crafty news, in a nut shell. I uploaded a ton of pictures to my flickr account. My little badge thingy on the sidebar has newer knitting pictures. Here's the Sewing Set I made. There are some close up, and inside pictures of the stuff I sent my KSKS pal. And here's a link to the pictures from our trip to Ohio for the 4th of July.
Other things have been crazy around here. Remember that colonoscopy? Well, I found out this week I have to pay a lot more than I was told. So now instead of paying the $500 deductable only, I also have to pay a $972 hospital bill as well! When I called before the procedure to see what they covered, the stupid woman didn't say anything about the hospital bill. And now I'm stuck paying it! And to top if off, hubby's work changed insurance effective August 1. So any deductable I pay towards this bill won't do crap for me, and I have to start all over with the new insurance! I have the most ridiculous history with insurance company's...Really, I do. Hubby has been job interviewing (we've heard an offer is on it's way from his first pick) so we could possible change insurance, yet again, in a few weeks. Augh!
Shameless plug here: To help offset some of that bill...I did some destashing. But it's not yarn. Two years ago I bought every scrapbooking/ stamping gadget I could get my hands on. And proceeded to not use any of it. It's been sitting in the corner of my closet ever since. I'd been wanted to sell it, but too lazy. However, hospital bills have a way of motivating me and it can all be found here
I think I'll stop here for now... I feel a little better venting about the damn bill, so thanks for reading if you got this far. I'm sorry I was gone for so long...I'll try to post more often. Even if it is more sewing than knitting :)
I finally finished my plain ol toe up socks using All Things Heather yarn in Avocado. I love these socks, but I think I'll skip the picot hem on toe ups for now on. It was a huge pain in the ass.

The only other knitting I've accomplished since the beginning of July is this lace shawl (Paisley Lace from IK)

And this tank top (Calla from Magknits) I've pretty much decided not to continue this project though. I'm using Svale yarn and it's a big pain with the cables. And keeping track of the pattern, not liking it right now.

I've recently aquired more sock yarn, surprise surprise. (Schaeffer Anne, Trekking that I won, and yarntini) So socks are in the future, but not much else, knitting wise. I don't plan on giving up knitting, but I just haven't been enjoying it as much these last few months. I've been depressed (various reasons why) which is part of it...One part, I miss my old knitting group. It's not fun having nobody to share it with in real life.
I sent my Knit Sock Kit swap package and it was well received. Apparently, I did a good job. I'm glad my pal was happy. My Mom asked me why I did so much more than I had to...I just felt like it. And I told her even if my pal doesn't come through/or I'm not happy with what I get (note to my pal: don't worry, I'm easy to please), that's ok. Just knowing I made my pal's day is good enough for me. Here's a picture of what I sent.... Heide blogged about it with pictures here.

My absolute favorite part of the kit was the sock needle/notion case. My own pattern. The ribbon that ties it shut has cute flowers embossed in it. And this is a picture of the case filled with my needles (I rememberd to take them out before mailing) My Bamboo and Knitpicks DPN's plus my Addis for magic loops. Fits in there nice, eh? I need to make one for myself.

I made two bags for my pal, plus the case and a clutch. At that point, the sewing bug hit me. BIG TIME! I've spent the last two weeks buying vintage patterns, fabric, and some new presser feet for my sewing machine. I can't stop...sewing, not buying!
Here's a top I made...Simplicity 4589. I love this fabric! It's little yellow tulips. Very vintage looking, to me anyhow. The skirt, I picked up at Goodwill. It was ankle length (yuck!) so I shortened it.

I didn't stop there you know... I made this little bag for the days I don't want to carry my big 'ol purse around.

Up next..I'm going to have some pillowcase fun. I found the pink ones (2) at a huge fleamarket. One is destined to be a drawstring skirt, the other a bag of some sort. The brown set, I'm not sure yet. It's a brand new twin size sheet set from Goodwill. I'm torn between using it for a dress and bag or for new kitchen decor (curtains, placemats, etc..) Or both?! And I have some great apron patterns (from the 60's) that I'm dieing to make.

But most importantly...My Fall project. I'm in the planning phase right now.

I've chosen my pattern (Hop Skip and Jump with small modifications)...I've narrowed down my fabric choices. I found some Denyse Schmidt Fat Quarter sets, and Hubby has aprroved the colors/patterns. I just have to pick between the two. I don't plan on starting until Septmeber, after the kids start school. That gives me time to practice my quilting skills. And time to see what my basic sewing machine can do.
So that's my crafty news, in a nut shell. I uploaded a ton of pictures to my flickr account. My little badge thingy on the sidebar has newer knitting pictures. Here's the Sewing Set I made. There are some close up, and inside pictures of the stuff I sent my KSKS pal. And here's a link to the pictures from our trip to Ohio for the 4th of July.
Other things have been crazy around here. Remember that colonoscopy? Well, I found out this week I have to pay a lot more than I was told. So now instead of paying the $500 deductable only, I also have to pay a $972 hospital bill as well! When I called before the procedure to see what they covered, the stupid woman didn't say anything about the hospital bill. And now I'm stuck paying it! And to top if off, hubby's work changed insurance effective August 1. So any deductable I pay towards this bill won't do crap for me, and I have to start all over with the new insurance! I have the most ridiculous history with insurance company's...Really, I do. Hubby has been job interviewing (we've heard an offer is on it's way from his first pick) so we could possible change insurance, yet again, in a few weeks. Augh!
Shameless plug here: To help offset some of that bill...I did some destashing. But it's not yarn. Two years ago I bought every scrapbooking/ stamping gadget I could get my hands on. And proceeded to not use any of it. It's been sitting in the corner of my closet ever since. I'd been wanted to sell it, but too lazy. However, hospital bills have a way of motivating me and it can all be found here
I think I'll stop here for now... I feel a little better venting about the damn bill, so thanks for reading if you got this far. I'm sorry I was gone for so long...I'll try to post more often. Even if it is more sewing than knitting :)