Finally a new Post!
Finally a
Finished project!
First thing First, a Sockapaloooza Update. I bet you're confused now. My lazy ass hasn't bothered to blog about Sockapaloooza. Not about the pattern selection, yarn selection, size issues, nothing. And here I am, just throwing a new pair of socks out at you.

What do you think? To tell you the truth I'm not sure what I think of these socks. One minute I love them, the next minute they're not quite right. It doesn't matter though since I'm not re-knitting them. And I'm really hoping they'll fit my pal. She only sent her shoe size, not actual foot measurements. There are so many charts with different recommended lengths so I just tried to stay in the middle. The good news is if they're too short, there's a good amount of yarn left.
Pattern: Yarn over Cable from Sensational Knitted Socks
Yarn: Sock that Rock in Hot Flash on size 1 needles, toe up
Here's a close up of the pattern. Unfortunately, the picture isn't so great. The colors are so bright that they don't photograph well. But you get the gist of it.

Ok, not that I've got the important stuff out of the way, let's move on to everything else.
I haven't intentionally been neglecting my blog. I have actually been quite busy the last two weeks. And I haven't had much to say. Shocking, I know.
A crazy little 'bug' came through our house and the kids were really sick. My monkey girl, Emily, had a temp of 104.2 at one point. I have to say we were quite lucky, the fever was the only symptom they had. Phew! But that did last a week, combined.
Then I reconnected with an old friend. We were joined at the hip friends when we were in Jr. High/high school, until her crazy Mom up and moved, for what seemed like the hundredth time
. After twelve years Crystal found me and it turns out she lives maybe 20 minutes away :) We spent most of last week-end together. I swear it was just like old times. Needless to say, I'll be seeing her again very soon. She couldn't have come back into my life at a better time.
Yes...I have been knitting. Hubby was really worried. Since I left my knitting group, he thought that meant I would stop knitting. As if! I have been doing a lot better on the buying yarn front though. In fact...I had a chance to buy the most beautiful sock yarn by Sundara Yarn today, and I didn't. It was in my cart, all I had to do was pay, and I resisted. No, that isn't a typo. I didn't buy it.
I am still resisting... Just because I'm trying to stop buying, doesn't mean I can't receive... See

That would be my STR yarn that I won from Cara for the Jaywalker knitalong. The colorway is Seastone. It was impossible to get a good picture of it...Some of the blues you see are really purple. Cara also included an orange chibi too. How nice! And those books....My Mom ordered those for me last week. I have the best Mom :) Ooopps...That yarn on the needles, I did buy that. It's my Gryffindor yarn from Sunshine Yarn. That, I couldn't pass up.
I've also been working on a lace scarf with kid silk haze. No pictures just yet. And I still need to finish Salina. There isn't much to do. Sew on the buttons and shorten the sleeves. That requires some minor surgery and as any knitter knows, taking scissors to a handknit piece is not easy. I'm hoping to get it done this week but we'll see. This is a project I want to take on when I have no interruptions, or not so many. With the kids home all week for Spring break, I'm cautiously optimistic. Here's a teaser picture for now.

We had a killer storm come through last week. In less than ten minutes the sky went from blue/perfectly clear, to this... That light part of the sky on the bottom/right.... The entire sky was that color before the storm. It's like God drew a line across the sky and painted one side black. It was wicked!

I guess that's about it for now. The rest of this week is going to be crazy. We have something planned everyday, from errands to birthday parties to Easter Sunday. I'm looking forward to next week when the kids get back to school and I can relax just a little. Wait...I forgot I'm a chaperone for a Preschool field trip next Wednesday and Hubby's Birthday is Thursday. I won't even begin to explain the cake he wants and what it's going to take to make it. So maybe the week after next I'll get a little break.
But you know what...I kind of like being busy with
Family things. Man, I love
Family. When my knitting "family" fell apart...My real
Family was there for me. Even though they don't quite get my addiction to knitting or the knitting group, they where there to help me up, wipe the tears and make me laugh. A lot. And my good
Debi was awesome as well... I can't count the many late night phone calls she listened to me cry, scream, laugh, and just plain vent about what happened. Thanks Debi. Thanks
Family. You guys totally rock. Being surrounded by these people, I know I'm going to be ok. :)