Today's Show is brought to you by the Letter 'B'
Monday, January 30, 2006
'B' is for Birthday
Here is my little Emily on January 26th, 2001. If I remember correctly she's not even and hour old in this picture.

And here's Miss Emily now...

Collectively now....Awwwww!!!!! My baby turned five this week. She's very upset though, because she has to wait until the Fall to start kindergarten. Poor thing. Poor me. I love my baby hurricane, but she needs full time school. But then I got a little sentimental about things. My baby turned five this week. I'm not having anymore. And even if I wanted to, I can't. (Looong story there, but I found out after Emily was born that I should never have been able to get pregnant. I'm a medical mystery ya'll.) But I digress.... I'm just a tad bit sad about my baby turning five. And yes, I keep repeating that, but people.....My baby is five. *sniff*
'B' is also for Breast Cancer...
Here's my Mom, a survivor. Breast cancer has touched my life way too many times.

My Mom will be a 4 year survivor this May. My Aunt Rosie (Mom's sister) is also a survivor. Aunt Rosie's daughter, (my cousin) Rose Mary...She too is a recent survivor. And then there's my Mom's other sister, Aunt Mary. She lost her battle to it in 1989. We also have a close family friend who is a recent survivor. Needless to say, even though I am only in my late 20's, I've had my share of mammograms. I have two Aunt's and a cousin who make sure of that. I hope this disease doesn't touch your life....But Ladies, just in case, get those boobies squished!
And now for something less serious...
Let's talk about obsession. Addiction. Or maybe just Luck.

That, my dear readers, is Vesper sock yarn. We have from l-r: Aqua Melon balled up and ready to go; Crew; Newly acquired Paisely which will be wound and turned into Jaywalkers starting tonight; and what's left of the Neopolitan after I finished the last jawalkers. Can I just say, I seriously love this yarn! I'm obsessed, and even though I have all this, I am patiently waiting for the new colors to make their appearance.
Last but not least, how about a FO? Here's my Essential stripe pullover. I'm really pleased with it, although next time I'll make the sleeves smaller. You can't see in the picture, but they are quite baggy. I would definitely use this pattern again, only less stripes. That way there are less ends to weave. If it weren't for the ends, this sweater would have been completed three weeks ago.

Now if only I could get motived to seam the t-shirt sweater that is blocked and waiting...